Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results in Gaza
Type: Self-Catering Capacity: 2-8 guests per villa Features: Air Conditioning, Pool, DSTV, Water Sports Praia...
Type: Self-Catering Bedrooms: 2, 3 or 4 Bathrooms: en-suite Features: Swim Pool, Direct Beach Access,...
Type: Guest House Rooms and Self-Catering Units Rooms: 8 in the Guest House and 2...
Type: Self-Catering Bedrooms: 3 Capacity: 8 Guests Bathrooms: 3 Features: Air-Con, Private Pool, Sea Views,...
Type: Self-Catering House Bedrooms: 4 Capacity: 10 Guests Bathrooms: 3 Features: Private Pool, Air-Con, DSTV,...
Type: Self-Catering Bedrooms: 3 Capacity: 8 Guests Bathrooms: 2 Features: Sea views, Restaurant/Bar with W-Fi,...
Type: Self-Catering Houses Capacity: 2-12 Sleeper Houses Features: Sea Views, Private Pools (specific houses), Direct...
Type: Self-Catering Houses Capacity: 84 guests Features: Restaurant/Bar on site, Air-Con, Private Swimming Pools, DSTV...
Type: Self-Catering Bedrooms: 4 Capacity: 10 Guests Bathrooms: 2 Features: Air Con, Private Pool, DSTV,...
Type: Self-Catering House Bedrooms: 7 Capacity: 14 people Bathrooms: 5 bathrooms Features: Pool, Boma Braai,...
Type: Self-Catering Units Bedrooms: Villa3 (4), Cabanas (2) Capacity: Villas (8), Cabanas (4) Bathrooms: Villas...